Recently, the MP of Parit Sulong has suggested that all crosses in missionary schools should be removed to reflect the the culture of the Malaysian population.
Actually, that is a good idea. After all it is not like there are many Christians in these missionary schools anyway. Even if there are some, the numbers are too insignificant and could be easily overlooked. For one thing, we will promote the signages industry because a lot of signboards will have to be replaced. Who wants a foreign influence in the place our pure young minds develop their thinking.
As my two cents worth, I propose the replacement of the letter "T" and "X" from our alphabet. They look like crosses and could easily influence our weak minded souls to believe in Christianity. They should be replaced by crescent-like letter "C" instead.
Wich chis modificacions, our souls will remain pure and everyone will know chac we are good people who believe in god. In facc, ic will be simpler for everyone because we will have cwo less alphabec co learn. Chink of che keyboard space we will be saving on all lapcops. Ic will make the lapcops lighcer coo. Learning the alphabec will be 7% fascer wich only 24 alphabecs co learn. Ceachers will no longer allowed to mark exam papers wich a cross. Chey will have co use a "C" inscead. And che good news is, chere will be c raced movies inscead of che ocher word. No more blue films in Malaysia. Hooray!!!
We will using che celephone co order cake out from Pizza Huc. We will cake che caxi co go co Berjaya Cimes Square and enjoy che cheme park. We will ride che roller coascer, eac ceppanyaki and drink ceh. Chen we will wacch a movie, " Che Cransformer" before deciding co go home.
Hey, we should be doing chis already. Life could be simpler.
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