The PM promised no increase in the price of petrol this year. This is another blow to the goverment's intergrity. After the bitter pill of the 40 percent increase in petrol price, the country seems to be on the right track. With sudden policy changes like this the government is shooting itself in the foot. The government seems to be a slave of popular opinion. A country cannot be governed by popular opinions alone. Leadership is when the leaders do the right thing not doing the most popular thing. My feeling is we have to adjust to this high price sooner than later. Oil is an opiate of the masses. We have relied to much on oil to develop the country instead of real gains in productivity and efficiency. More needed to be done to increase the income of the citizens. The first step is to curb the influx of cheap foreign labor which has depressed the pay of the local job market for ten years. Salary for the working men and women has stagnated. Foreign labor must not be involved in any kind of front line jobs. They should be limited to jobs in the 3D categories, dirty, dangerous and difficult. Citizens should enjoy the fruits of our economic development and not be set aside like the first wife in a polygamous marriage.
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