Saturday, November 8, 2008

Looking for Obama in Malaysia

Yup, Obama won and quite handsomely too. McCain was gracious in defeat, conceding early and promising to work together with the new administration. Our own opposition can learn a thing or two from them on How to Lose 101. They fought hard and sometimes rough. More than a billion dollars was spent on the election. But the money there was all to see. TV ads, billboards, even internet ads. And most of the money, at least on the Obama side, was from small contributions. It shows that every person do matter and can make a difference. The question here in Malaysia is, do we have an Obama here. Someone who will unite us, black or white ( bumi and non-bumi ), inspire us and lead us to a better world. This old one is leaking here and there, and needs too much maintenance. Might not survive in 22nd century. We need change too. Change in thinking. Change in doing things. And most of all, more pocket Change.

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