Lai Kee Kong (F0069411)
D0706 Sri Wangi Apt
Taman Tampoi Indah
81200 Johor Bahru
Jawatankuasa Penyelian Pemilihan Nasional
Pemuda Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia
Level 5 Menara PGRM
8 Jalan Pudu Ulu
56100 Kuala Lumpur 26 September 2008
Per: 1. Surat Peringatan
2. Bantahan Terhadap Pemilihan Pemuda Gerakan Johor yang di adakan pada 14 September 2008.
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas dan juga surat kami bertarikh 17 September 2008, kami ingin mengingatkan pihak saudara bahawa kami masih menunggu surat balas pihak saudara mengenai perkara tersebut.
Kami ingin memberitahu pihak saudara bahawa bantahan kami berasaskan kepada senarai perwakilan pemuda yang digunakan untuk pemeriksaan dan pendaftaran adalah berlainan dengan yang digunakan untuk mengundi. Selain daripada itu, terdapat beberapa masalah teknikal dengan cara Persidangan Perwakilan dan juga Pemilihan dijalankan.
Kami kesal dengan tindakbalas pihak saudara kepada perkara yang amat runcing ini kerana Perwakilan Pemuda Nasional akan di adakan tidak lama lagi dan perkara ini perlu di selesaikan sebelum itu. Implikasi sesebuah Pemilihan negeri yang tidak sah adalah besar dan berkemungkinan tinggi boleh menjejaskan Pemilihan peringkat nasional.
Kami harap pihak saudara boleh memberi perhatian segera kepada bantahan kami sebelum kami membuat bantahan resmi menerusi Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Yang benar,
Lai Kee Kong
Sk Saudara Mah Siew Keong
Saudara Ho Saw Hoo
Saudara Dr Koh Tsu Koon
Saudara Dr Chin Fook Weng
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Letter of Protest to NESC Pemuda
Lai Kee Kong (F0069411)
D0706 Sri Wangi Apt
Taman Tampoi Indah
81200 Johor Bahru
Jawatankuasa Penyelian Pemilihan Nasional
Pemuda Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia
Level 5 Menara PGRM
8 Jalan Pudu Ulu
56100 Kuala Lumpur 17 September 2008
Per: Bantahan Terhadap Pemilihan Pemuda Gerakan Johor yang di adakan pada 14 September 2008.
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, kami ingin membuat bantahan terhadap Pemilihan dan juga Persidangan Perwakilan Pemuda Gerakan Negeri Johor yang telah diadakan pada 14 September 2008.
Bantahan ini berteraskan perkara-perkara berikut:
1. Senarai nama perwakilan diragui.
Senarai nama perwakilan yang digunakan untuk persidangan dan pemilihan adalah berlainan. Senarai nama perwakilan pada hari pencalonan dan juga yang disemak oleh kami adalah bercanggah dengan yang digunakan untuk pemilihan.
Terdapat seorang wakil yang dibenarkan mendaftar untuk persidangan tetapi tidak dibenarkan untuk membuat pemilihan kerana namanya tidak tersenarai.
Pada hari pencalonan Sdr Ramon Yeo dari Bahagian Pasir Gudang telah ditolak pencalonan beliau diatas sebab penyokong yang bukan wakil. Setelah membuat semakkan, kami dapati penyokong tersebut adalah seorang Ketua Bahagian dan dengan tersendirinya adalah seorang wakil. ( Peraturan Pemilihan Pemuda PGRM 2008 3.2(b))
Ini menunjukkan senarai nama perwakilan di hari pencalonan dan juga yang disemak oleh kami adalah tidak tepat dan berkemungkinan mempunyai kesalahan-kesalahan lain yang lebih besar. Sdr Ramon Yeo juga telah kehilangan peluang untuk bertanding diatas kesilapan ini.
2. Persidangan and Pemilihan yang tidak mengikut peraturan
Persidangan dan Pemilihan Pemuda Gerakan Johor tidak mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan. Pengerusi majlis dan agen pemilihan tidak dipilih sebelum pemilihan dijalankan. Pihak penyelia membuat keputusan bahawa penyelia-penyelia dari nasional di pilih sebagai agen pemilihan. Ini bercanggahkan dengan Peraturan Pemilihan Pemuda PGRM 2008 7.0(b) yang mengatakan agen pemilihan perlulah seorang yang layak mengundi pada persidangan Perwakilan tersebut. Pihak kami telah menghantar sekeping faks untuk melantik seorang agen pemilihan 24 jam sebelum pemilihan kepada pihak penyelia.
Perlantikkan Pengerusi majlis juga dicurigai kerana Sdr Hew Chin yang dilantik bukanlah seorang wakil ke Persidangan Perwakilan tersebut. Perlantikkan pengerusi majlis juga telah diadakan setelah pemilihan di jalankan. Ini bercanggah dengan peraturan dan juga agenda yang ditetapkan.
Keadaan kucar kacir dan huru hara di dewan pemilhan juga menyebabkan beberapa perwakilan tidak membuang undi. Pengurusan pemilihan tidak berjalan dengan lancar dan telah mengugatkan prisip demokrasi parti.
Salah seorang daripada pegawai pemilihan mempunyai kepentingan yang diragui dimana suami beliau diketahui umum menyebelahi salah sebuah pihak yang bertanding. Ketelusan pemilihan terjejas dengan kehadiran dan penglibatan pegawai pemilihan ini.
3. Lain-lain perkara berkaitan
Pada hari pencalonan, Sdr Koh Kian Siang dan juga Sdr Hew Chin telah menjadi penyelia. Mereka berdua adalah Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Gerakan Johor dan mempunyai kepentingan yang diragui. Sepatutnya Jawatankuasa Penyeliaan Pemilihan Nasional menghantar seorang penyelia yang tiada kepentingan untuk menyelia pencalonan pada hari tersebut. Dengan adanya dua orang penyelia yang berkepentingan di dalam Pemuda Gerakan Johor, ketelusan dan keadilan proses tersebut adalah terjejas terutamanya kepada Sdr Ramon Yeo.
Dengan ini, kami meminta Jawatankuasa Penyelian Pemilihan Nasional membuat penyiasatan terperinci dan telus untuk membaikpulihkan keadaan yang kini menurut perlembagaan adalah tidak sah terutama dengan wujudnya dua senarai nama perwakilan ditandatangani oleh Sdr Ho Saw Hoo yang telah digunakan pada pemilihan kali ini. Perkara ini perlu diselesaikan dengan segera supaya Pemilihan Pemuda Nasional tidak terjejas pada bulan Oktober kelak.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Yang benar,
Lai Kee Kong
Sk Saudara Mah Siew Keong
Saudara Hoo Saw Ho
Saudara Dr Koh Tsu Koon
D0706 Sri Wangi Apt
Taman Tampoi Indah
81200 Johor Bahru
Jawatankuasa Penyelian Pemilihan Nasional
Pemuda Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia
Level 5 Menara PGRM
8 Jalan Pudu Ulu
56100 Kuala Lumpur 17 September 2008
Per: Bantahan Terhadap Pemilihan Pemuda Gerakan Johor yang di adakan pada 14 September 2008.
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, kami ingin membuat bantahan terhadap Pemilihan dan juga Persidangan Perwakilan Pemuda Gerakan Negeri Johor yang telah diadakan pada 14 September 2008.
Bantahan ini berteraskan perkara-perkara berikut:
1. Senarai nama perwakilan diragui.
Senarai nama perwakilan yang digunakan untuk persidangan dan pemilihan adalah berlainan. Senarai nama perwakilan pada hari pencalonan dan juga yang disemak oleh kami adalah bercanggah dengan yang digunakan untuk pemilihan.
Terdapat seorang wakil yang dibenarkan mendaftar untuk persidangan tetapi tidak dibenarkan untuk membuat pemilihan kerana namanya tidak tersenarai.
Pada hari pencalonan Sdr Ramon Yeo dari Bahagian Pasir Gudang telah ditolak pencalonan beliau diatas sebab penyokong yang bukan wakil. Setelah membuat semakkan, kami dapati penyokong tersebut adalah seorang Ketua Bahagian dan dengan tersendirinya adalah seorang wakil. ( Peraturan Pemilihan Pemuda PGRM 2008 3.2(b))
Ini menunjukkan senarai nama perwakilan di hari pencalonan dan juga yang disemak oleh kami adalah tidak tepat dan berkemungkinan mempunyai kesalahan-kesalahan lain yang lebih besar. Sdr Ramon Yeo juga telah kehilangan peluang untuk bertanding diatas kesilapan ini.
2. Persidangan and Pemilihan yang tidak mengikut peraturan
Persidangan dan Pemilihan Pemuda Gerakan Johor tidak mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan. Pengerusi majlis dan agen pemilihan tidak dipilih sebelum pemilihan dijalankan. Pihak penyelia membuat keputusan bahawa penyelia-penyelia dari nasional di pilih sebagai agen pemilihan. Ini bercanggahkan dengan Peraturan Pemilihan Pemuda PGRM 2008 7.0(b) yang mengatakan agen pemilihan perlulah seorang yang layak mengundi pada persidangan Perwakilan tersebut. Pihak kami telah menghantar sekeping faks untuk melantik seorang agen pemilihan 24 jam sebelum pemilihan kepada pihak penyelia.
Perlantikkan Pengerusi majlis juga dicurigai kerana Sdr Hew Chin yang dilantik bukanlah seorang wakil ke Persidangan Perwakilan tersebut. Perlantikkan pengerusi majlis juga telah diadakan setelah pemilihan di jalankan. Ini bercanggah dengan peraturan dan juga agenda yang ditetapkan.
Keadaan kucar kacir dan huru hara di dewan pemilhan juga menyebabkan beberapa perwakilan tidak membuang undi. Pengurusan pemilihan tidak berjalan dengan lancar dan telah mengugatkan prisip demokrasi parti.
Salah seorang daripada pegawai pemilihan mempunyai kepentingan yang diragui dimana suami beliau diketahui umum menyebelahi salah sebuah pihak yang bertanding. Ketelusan pemilihan terjejas dengan kehadiran dan penglibatan pegawai pemilihan ini.
3. Lain-lain perkara berkaitan
Pada hari pencalonan, Sdr Koh Kian Siang dan juga Sdr Hew Chin telah menjadi penyelia. Mereka berdua adalah Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Gerakan Johor dan mempunyai kepentingan yang diragui. Sepatutnya Jawatankuasa Penyeliaan Pemilihan Nasional menghantar seorang penyelia yang tiada kepentingan untuk menyelia pencalonan pada hari tersebut. Dengan adanya dua orang penyelia yang berkepentingan di dalam Pemuda Gerakan Johor, ketelusan dan keadilan proses tersebut adalah terjejas terutamanya kepada Sdr Ramon Yeo.
Dengan ini, kami meminta Jawatankuasa Penyelian Pemilihan Nasional membuat penyiasatan terperinci dan telus untuk membaikpulihkan keadaan yang kini menurut perlembagaan adalah tidak sah terutama dengan wujudnya dua senarai nama perwakilan ditandatangani oleh Sdr Ho Saw Hoo yang telah digunakan pada pemilihan kali ini. Perkara ini perlu diselesaikan dengan segera supaya Pemilihan Pemuda Nasional tidak terjejas pada bulan Oktober kelak.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Yang benar,
Lai Kee Kong
Sk Saudara Mah Siew Keong
Saudara Hoo Saw Ho
Saudara Dr Koh Tsu Koon
Chinese Version of Mar Chon Hang letter
我并不认同您在2008年州民青团代表大会上所讲的 潜水艇论 ,您说很多州代表在平时不出来活动,可是在改选时却出来竞选高职。据我所知,您本身在这两届所领导的州团里最能配合您的也是这些所谓的潜水艇论的人。“做人要将心比心”,正所谓“无功也有劳”,您不能因个人利益而语无伦次的抹杀这些人几年来的功劳。
( 马遵汉 ) 启
我并不认同您在2008年州民青团代表大会上所讲的 潜水艇论 ,您说很多州代表在平时不出来活动,可是在改选时却出来竞选高职。据我所知,您本身在这两届所领导的州团里最能配合您的也是这些所谓的潜水艇论的人。“做人要将心比心”,正所谓“无功也有劳”,您不能因个人利益而语无伦次的抹杀这些人几年来的功劳。
( 马遵汉 ) 启
EGM to decide BN membership
As a founding member of Barisan Nasional, it is understandable why we find it difficult to tear away from BN. The leaders are suggesting an EGM to discuss and decide on the issue. The reason given why the issue will not be decided at the NDC is because other issues ie. election are already on the table. Well, as long as we are going to do something about it, then it is fine. No point ignoring the pink elephant in the room.
Hell has no fury as a brother spurned.
Sdr Mah Chon Hang from Sri Gading has written an open letter to former Ketua Pemuda Johor, Sdr Koh Kian Sian. In it he pours out his grievances on the allegations stated by Sdr Koh at the Persidangan Perwakilan Pemuda recently. Sdr Koh alleges that certain people are like submarines who only surface during elections for higher post. Sdr Mah lamented the selective memory that the former Ketua Pemuda seems to be afflicted with during the election. He also thanked Sdr Koh for the lesson in politics.
To: Former Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Johor Sdr Koh Kian Siang
The Submarine Allegation
First of all, congratulations to you having completed two terms as Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Johor. Congratulations too on your appointment as the new Pemuda Gerakan Johor Advisor.
I disagree with what you said in your speech at the Persidangan Perwakilan Pemuda Negeri Johor 2008 the other day. In your speech, you mentioned that many Pemuda members do not come out and participate in activities but only surface during election period to go for higher posts. According to what I know, those who you allegedly accused as submariners are those who helped you the most and the most cooperative during your two terms tenure. You have to ask yourself truthfully if these allegations are valid. These people have given you their blood, sweat and tears. You should not discount their hard work and contributions for your own personal and political advantage.
You have to look into your heart and asked who are the people who ferried you here and there and around Johor and beyond for functions and other activities? Who are the people who lend out their helping hand when you have no one to turn to for help? Who are the people who outlined your speeches for multi racial functions? Who are the people who drove and accompanied you to a couple of 2008 Pemuda branch elections all around Johor? Who are the people who stood in to help supervise the 2008 Pemuda Gelang Patah election when a youth leader could not carry out his responsibilities? Who are the people who helped you to liaise with the Yunnan Xi Shuan Ban Na dance troupe and made the most successful and the only event that the Pemuda Johor has ever organized? Who are the people who travelled to Teluk Intan with you for the 2007 Chinese New Year Open House organized by Sdr Mah Siew Keong? Who are the people who you can always count on, pour your sorrows and discussed your troubles with? Who are the people who represented Pemuda Johor and attended the Persidangan Perwakilan Negeri Kelantan with you?
You commented that the party can only progress if there is competition and we should rate leaders by their performance, leadership and services. However, you did not practice what you have lectured. You are not true to your word as you have shown favourtism and you only arrange for your favourite candidates to take the centre stage and ostracized those who disobeyed your paternalistic arrangement. You should know that election is all about democracy. Any qualified delegate is eligible to take part.
As I recalled, there is no show-of-hand during the last state youth committee meeting. No candidates are unanimously crowned as the “state youth recommended candidates”. Your disciples didn’t get my vote and my blessing. Mine and many others. One committee member was about to speak his piece but he was rudely interrupted by our previous state youth secretary. This kind of behavior obstructs democracy and shows your autocratic tendencies.
You keep on stressing that there are only two known candidates for the Ketua Pemuda election even though we have told you repeatedly that there will be a third candidate. The candidate himself has informed his intention to compete in the election to you, but you turned a deaf ear as if you have contracted selective amnesia. We told you three months before the election and you are in denial for three months.
I have did Pemuda Johor no wrong. As a matter of fact, I have given my fair share to the party. Do I deserve a leader like you? Is it worth it??? Thanks for the painstaking lesson in enlightening me on what really is politics. Thank you.
Satu Hati – as long as we follow your Hati. Now I get it.
Yours faithfully,
Mar Chon Hang
Cc Sdr Mah Siew Keong
Sdr Ho Saw Hoo
Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Nasional Gerakan
Sdr Dr Koh Tsu Koon
Sdr Chia Kwan Chye
Sdr Teo Kok Chee
Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Negeri Johor
To: Former Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Johor Sdr Koh Kian Siang
The Submarine Allegation
First of all, congratulations to you having completed two terms as Ketua Pemuda Gerakan Johor. Congratulations too on your appointment as the new Pemuda Gerakan Johor Advisor.
I disagree with what you said in your speech at the Persidangan Perwakilan Pemuda Negeri Johor 2008 the other day. In your speech, you mentioned that many Pemuda members do not come out and participate in activities but only surface during election period to go for higher posts. According to what I know, those who you allegedly accused as submariners are those who helped you the most and the most cooperative during your two terms tenure. You have to ask yourself truthfully if these allegations are valid. These people have given you their blood, sweat and tears. You should not discount their hard work and contributions for your own personal and political advantage.
You have to look into your heart and asked who are the people who ferried you here and there and around Johor and beyond for functions and other activities? Who are the people who lend out their helping hand when you have no one to turn to for help? Who are the people who outlined your speeches for multi racial functions? Who are the people who drove and accompanied you to a couple of 2008 Pemuda branch elections all around Johor? Who are the people who stood in to help supervise the 2008 Pemuda Gelang Patah election when a youth leader could not carry out his responsibilities? Who are the people who helped you to liaise with the Yunnan Xi Shuan Ban Na dance troupe and made the most successful and the only event that the Pemuda Johor has ever organized? Who are the people who travelled to Teluk Intan with you for the 2007 Chinese New Year Open House organized by Sdr Mah Siew Keong? Who are the people who you can always count on, pour your sorrows and discussed your troubles with? Who are the people who represented Pemuda Johor and attended the Persidangan Perwakilan Negeri Kelantan with you?
You commented that the party can only progress if there is competition and we should rate leaders by their performance, leadership and services. However, you did not practice what you have lectured. You are not true to your word as you have shown favourtism and you only arrange for your favourite candidates to take the centre stage and ostracized those who disobeyed your paternalistic arrangement. You should know that election is all about democracy. Any qualified delegate is eligible to take part.
As I recalled, there is no show-of-hand during the last state youth committee meeting. No candidates are unanimously crowned as the “state youth recommended candidates”. Your disciples didn’t get my vote and my blessing. Mine and many others. One committee member was about to speak his piece but he was rudely interrupted by our previous state youth secretary. This kind of behavior obstructs democracy and shows your autocratic tendencies.
You keep on stressing that there are only two known candidates for the Ketua Pemuda election even though we have told you repeatedly that there will be a third candidate. The candidate himself has informed his intention to compete in the election to you, but you turned a deaf ear as if you have contracted selective amnesia. We told you three months before the election and you are in denial for three months.
I have did Pemuda Johor no wrong. As a matter of fact, I have given my fair share to the party. Do I deserve a leader like you? Is it worth it??? Thanks for the painstaking lesson in enlightening me on what really is politics. Thank you.
Satu Hati – as long as we follow your Hati. Now I get it.
Yours faithfully,
Mar Chon Hang
Cc Sdr Mah Siew Keong
Sdr Ho Saw Hoo
Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Nasional Gerakan
Sdr Dr Koh Tsu Koon
Sdr Chia Kwan Chye
Sdr Teo Kok Chee
Ahli Jawatankuasa Pemuda Negeri Johor
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pemuda NESC still working?
Almost a week ago Move It sent a letter of protest to the Pemuda NESC. It was mainly about the existence of two voting lists used in the state election. Until today, there has been no response from the Pemuda NESC. No acknowledgement whether by fax, email, telephone nor snail mail. This is highly disturbing considering what implications the matter can bring. The national conference is about two weeks away and we still have no news about it. What is happening up there? Is anybody home?
Update: received letter for Pemuda NDC today, phew!!! JIT
Update: received letter for Pemuda NDC today, phew!!! JIT
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Gerakan next move
NDC is next month, 10 October. Most members are thinking sayonara to BN. The leaders is still thinking 'wait and see'. Conversations with the leaders revealed that they are waiting for reforms in UMNO. They believed that there are people in UMNO who wants reform and will change BN into a workable party. The question now is, how many of us believe this could be true. Frankly, we could not see the any changes that will be implemented by the reformist in UMNO. It will business as usual and Gerakan will still be saddled with a chain around its neck, unable to face its constituency of the non racialist for just and equitable society. The problem here is timing. The question is not if but when.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Problem in Pemuda Nasional
It is now 19 September 2008, exactly 21 days before the National Delegates Conference. I wonder if the Pemuda has issued the notice as required by the Constitution. No one has received the notice to date.
The ex Ketua Pemuda Negeri Johor went around looking for division heads to confirm the name list for the attendees because he claimed they need to make hotel arrangement. I wonder what is the present Ketua Pemuda Negeri doing about this matter since the ex Ketua Pemuda is no longer a pemuda and should not be involved in its matters. The Ketua Pemuda Negeri better buck up lest be accused of being a submarine. Or worse, a puppet.
The ex Ketua Pemuda Negeri Johor went around looking for division heads to confirm the name list for the attendees because he claimed they need to make hotel arrangement. I wonder what is the present Ketua Pemuda Negeri doing about this matter since the ex Ketua Pemuda is no longer a pemuda and should not be involved in its matters. The Ketua Pemuda Negeri better buck up lest be accused of being a submarine. Or worse, a puppet.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Letter of protest
Sent a letter of protest to HQ yesterday. The main point of contention was existence of two separate voting lists. One was used for nomination, registration and checking, and another for voting. It is a serious transgression and the HQ should viewed it as so. I hope they don't try to sweep it under the carpet but instead face it head on and take whatever steps necessary to rectify the matter. We don't want the matter to be taken to the next level. We do hope a solution will be found for this serious infringement of democratic right. Actually there were many serious mistakes in the Pemuda Election the other day but most serious of all is not technical nor procedural but moral. The previous Ketua Pemuda claimed that we are a bunch of submarines who surfaces only during elections. That statement really hurt many people in our team who has sacrificed their time and money during his tenure. He seemed to have forgotten the people that drove him around the state, help him with his speeches and attended his functions. Sad.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Why did the ex-Ketua Pemuda say such things?
Koh Kian Siang said we did not did not deserve to win because we did not participate in youth activities and did not come to meetings. Although I must admit I did not often go to meetings because I was working, the point of the matter is 'what was achieved in all those meetings.' The only activity by the youth in 2007 was the Semtek courses for SPM students apart from meetings and attending functions. Technically they are not activities because the youth have no part in organising them. Let's not kid ourselves. The previous youth head did not do his job as evidenced by the chaotic and ridiculous sharing of meeting venue with Wanita. The election was contested under shameful and laughable conditions. We hope we do not have to endure the same conditions again next year. But that would be easy, the post set is so low. It will be a cinch.
Now what?
The state election is over, now what? We sort of miss the frenzy we endured the last couple of weeks together. There is a sense of restlessness after an invigorating battle. We were trounced alright but it was more because of an act of betrayal rather than lack of effort. We will have to reorganised and focus our effort to help Gerakan in other ways. Dr Ker just came back from a meeting with the MB. Basically the MB told us to go f@?k ourselves. We were never considered for any ahli majlis post in Pasir Gudang. He even challenge us to withdraw from BN. Looks like this is the end of road for Gerakan in Johor. Wonder which side Gerakan will be in the next general election, BN, PR or ours?
Monday, September 15, 2008
We lost
We lost the election. Everyone lost except Er Kok Liang who was on both tickets. The massive swing in votes was mostly due to bounced pledges by Segamat and Muar-Bakri divisions. Controlled by the Boss, the delegates did not show up. It was an arrangement with certain people to ensure he wins big for the chairman post. This betrayal was a slap in our face and taught us a valuable lesson. There were also inconsistencies in the voting list. Hanky panky is suspected when a delegate was not allowed to vote even though he was on the state's copy of the voting list. The team is now tired and disappointed but we will not go away just like that. The team has grown and will grow further with time. It will a team of the committed and the believers of truth and the Gerakan philosophy.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Campaign Trail
We have completed the Johor Gerakan Youth circuit. We met many leaders and most have pledged support. Tomorrow we will know if those pledges can be cashed in. I hope none of the pledges bounce. If the pledges do bounce, we will know who to blame. That is politics. There are no permanent enemies nor friends. Just a common interest. To win at all cost. Which of course reminds me of the movie ''Stormriders''. Those familar with the story line will know what I mean. ''Stormriders 2'' is coming up. Wonder how it ends?
ISA arrests could be the tipping point?
Recent ISA arrests could be the tipping point for Anwar. Even though Move It os against any undemocratic process of taking power, the sentiment has shifted after the BN govt gave up on winning over hearts and minds and decided on incarcerating them instead. It is the biggest mistake BN could make. If the course of action taken by BN continues in this vein, Gerakan will have no choice but seriously rethink our role in BN. Gerakan has not condone the use of ISA against anyone because we believe existing laws are more than enough to deal with the situation. Is this where history will point out as the tipping point? Time will tell.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
On the campaign trail
Politics in its meaning is the struggle or distribution of power. However, in this few days on the campaign trail, I have found that it is also about building relationships and connecting with people. Meeting youth delegates, branch leaders and division heads have made me realised that we have much in common apart from being a member of Parti Gerakan. Over a cup of tea or coffee, we could talk about issues affecting our country, party and even a little of gossip on party members as well. Being in the same party gives us instant connection even though he might be a 30 years veteran who in agriculture. The Ahmad Ismail issue matter just as much to us as to them. Above all is the issue of where Gerakan will be heading. Everyone wants to know and the leaders better have some answers come October's NDC.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Politicians are on holiday
The events in Penang this past week has been disturbing to say the least. We have a politician without any government position stoking the fire of racialism with every other sentence uttered. And we have a PM which is incensed but paralyzed with electoral calculations. And then we have the Chinese, who must be boiling with rage, as expected, considering the provocation by the provocateur.
Is this a trap? A trap to stir up the hornet's nest and make life miserable for the rest of us. We should all be vigilant and not take the bait to chaos and anarchy.
Of course, to spice it all up, Anwar has offered us the poison apple of 916. If the shift do occur, we are to blame for electing these unprincipled opportunist. It is us who elected these clowns.
This circus has to stop. The country is in an economic crisis and nobody is at the counter. Help!!!!!!
Is this a trap? A trap to stir up the hornet's nest and make life miserable for the rest of us. We should all be vigilant and not take the bait to chaos and anarchy.
Of course, to spice it all up, Anwar has offered us the poison apple of 916. If the shift do occur, we are to blame for electing these unprincipled opportunist. It is us who elected these clowns.
This circus has to stop. The country is in an economic crisis and nobody is at the counter. Help!!!!!!
To be outspoken without fear or favor
Gerakan members need to be more outspoken. One of the reason of our loss in the previous election was the perception that Gerakan has not spoken out against the excesses of the government. We must again take the mantle our founding fathers have left us. Speaking out with fear and favor will make us relevant once again.
To promote Gerakan Ideology
We believe in the Gerakan ideology of the non racial approach to justice and equality. We believe it is vital that this universal approach is adopted if Malaysia is to develop further. The Rukunegara should be the backbone of the nation as it reflects the Gerakan Ideology.
To be sensitive and proactive
Gerakan members starting with the youth needs to be more sensitive to the needs and wants of the rakyat. Those in power will have to be clean, efficient and trustworthy as demanded by the rakyat. Those who are not will have to assist leaders in position by bringing problems and shortcomings of the government to the leaders with position.
To educate and motivate
Education is the key to arm the Gerakan youth to face the future. A knowledgeable and politically savvy member will be a great asset to the party. They will be able to respond and face any opponent in the political arena. Motivation goes along with education to provide the desire to succeed. A motivated member will be able to achieve great things. Education should also include lessons on intergrity. Honest politicians should be cultivated and encouraged.
To promote democracy
We believe in elections not selection. Elections are a tool for democracy and should be free and fair. Only with free elections can we choose the leaders we want to lead us.There should not be any unseen hand trying to negotiate a selection. Keen competition is the only way to revitalize the party.
5 reasons why we compete
Over the past couple of months, I have written about why I want to compete. The reasons conceptualized here is now OURS. 1. To promote democracy 2. To educate and motivate 3. To be sensitive and proactive 4. To promote Gerakan ideology 5. To be outspoken without fear or favor
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Nomination Day - Johor Gerakan
Nomination for Johor Gerakan was held at the party headquarters in Skudai. As expected, the state chairman post is contested by three candidates. Sdr Dato Teo Kok Chee, Sdr Wong Kau and Sdr Dr Ker Ching Sheng. The wanita chairman post was uncontested and won by Tai Mun from Ledang.
It is a straight contest for the youth post. Lai Kee Kong AKA Move It will be facing Yap Cheng Heng for the Ketua Pemuda post. It is a team fight with each coming out with a team of AJKs, Wakil Nasional Pemuda and also Wakil Nasional. The team for Move It team wll be as follows :
Ketua Pemuda
1. Lai Kee Kong
2. Teo Poh Thong
3. Tan Yang Kuok
4. Jason Lim Hee Kueng
5. Chong Fook Yen
6. Chin Woon Yin
7. Er Kok Liang
Wakil Pemuda Nasional
2. Lee Chong Beng
3. Chiam Kim Hui
4. Er Kok Liang
Wakil Nasional
2. Lok Chee Ching
3. Lim Yak Chai
4. Tan Yang Kuok
5. Er Kok Liang
It is a straight contest for the youth post. Lai Kee Kong AKA Move It will be facing Yap Cheng Heng for the Ketua Pemuda post. It is a team fight with each coming out with a team of AJKs, Wakil Nasional Pemuda and also Wakil Nasional. The team for Move It team wll be as follows :
Ketua Pemuda
1. Lai Kee Kong
2. Teo Poh Thong
3. Tan Yang Kuok
4. Jason Lim Hee Kueng
5. Chong Fook Yen
6. Chin Woon Yin
7. Er Kok Liang
Wakil Pemuda Nasional
2. Lee Chong Beng
3. Chiam Kim Hui
4. Er Kok Liang
Wakil Nasional
2. Lok Chee Ching
3. Lim Yak Chai
4. Tan Yang Kuok
5. Er Kok Liang
Pemuda Gerakan Election List
Ketua Pemuda
1. Lai Kee Kong
2. Yap Cheng Heng
1. Yong Meng Chai
2. Teo Poh Thong
3. Tan Yang Kuok
4. Jason Lim Hee Kueng
5. Chong Fook Yen
6. Chin Woon Yin
7. Er Kok Liang
8. Lee Choong Ong
9. Lim Tian Leong
10. Chong Fook Yen
11. Ee Kian Hwa
Wakil Ke Nasional Pemuda
1. Yong Meng Chai
2. Lee Chong Beng
3. Chiam Kim Hui
4. Er Kok Liang
5. Ee Kian Hwa
6. Lim Tian Leong
7. Tan Tian Chun
8. Lee Boon Hong
Wakil ke Nasional
1. Yong Mew Chai
2. Lok Chee Ching
3. Lim Yak Chai
4. Tan Yang Kuok
5. Er Kok Liang
6. Tay Choon Yang
7. Liang Teck Meng
8. Chong Chen Kook
1. Lai Kee Kong
2. Yap Cheng Heng
1. Yong Meng Chai
2. Teo Poh Thong
3. Tan Yang Kuok
4. Jason Lim Hee Kueng
5. Chong Fook Yen
6. Chin Woon Yin
7. Er Kok Liang
8. Lee Choong Ong
9. Lim Tian Leong
10. Chong Fook Yen
11. Ee Kian Hwa
Wakil Ke Nasional Pemuda
1. Yong Meng Chai
2. Lee Chong Beng
3. Chiam Kim Hui
4. Er Kok Liang
5. Ee Kian Hwa
6. Lim Tian Leong
7. Tan Tian Chun
8. Lee Boon Hong
Wakil ke Nasional
1. Yong Mew Chai
2. Lok Chee Ching
3. Lim Yak Chai
4. Tan Yang Kuok
5. Er Kok Liang
6. Tay Choon Yang
7. Liang Teck Meng
8. Chong Chen Kook
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pemuda Election- Gerakan Johor 2008
Elections can bring out the worst in people. In an ideal election, candidates will agree to disagree and slug it out with their vision and ideals and in the end let the delegates to decide. However in this less than ideal world, things are not that simple. Some people with an interest in the outcome will go all out to sling mud at the opposition and as they say, if you sling enough mud, some will stick.
Move It has pledge that we will not stoop so low just to win an election. We wish the delegates to judge us on our merits and make the right choice on election day. We wish to see a clean, honest contest and may the best men win. Whoever wins will have the difficult job of reconciling the pemuda movement back together again to achieve Gerakan's aim of a for a truly Malaysian non-racial approach towards the attainment of a united, secular and socially just Malaysia.
Move It has pledge that we will not stoop so low just to win an election. We wish the delegates to judge us on our merits and make the right choice on election day. We wish to see a clean, honest contest and may the best men win. Whoever wins will have the difficult job of reconciling the pemuda movement back together again to achieve Gerakan's aim of a for a truly Malaysian non-racial approach towards the attainment of a united, secular and socially just Malaysia.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Election or Selection
Election is when the people choose its leader. Selection is when the leader is chosen for the people. In a democracy, leaders are elected to reflect the wishes of the people. The people gets to choose from a buffet of candidates to represent them. The candidates freely offer themselves for election, accepting the fact if they are not chosen, they will accept the decision because the people has spoken. However in a Selection, a cabal of people with special interest will pre select the candidates and discourage competition in favour of 'unity'. This well known ploy is the reason for the collapse in empires and governments all through history. Ferdinand Marcos was famous for holding power by emergency rule, thus limiting people's choice. The communist could not stand more than a century in Russia because of the inbreeding caused by limited choice. In a democracy, we need choice, much like when we go shopping for instant noodles. Although we always come back with Maggi but it is nice to know we could choose from a wide variety of brands like Cintan, Mamee, Koka with different flavours unique to each of the brand. Democracy is about the power to choose.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Why vote Move It
We have a team now. A small group of the concerned and committed will be the core. To make sure the team is balanced, representatives from a wide geographical area are invited. It will be a team representative of Johor's pemuda. Last night was a watershed. The expected competitors sat down with us and had a pow wow. In the end, we agree to disagree because we are committed to the cause and could not join their team. But we assured them even if we were not elected, we will still be committed to Gerakan and will still be available to serve. It is now time to think of what we want for the future of Gerakan. Move It promises a committed team to get Gerakan moving again. Be relevant, be true and be committed.
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