Thursday, September 4, 2008

Election or Selection

Election is when the people choose its leader. Selection is when the leader is chosen for the people. In a democracy, leaders are elected to reflect the wishes of the people. The people gets to choose from a buffet of candidates to represent them. The candidates freely offer themselves for election, accepting the fact if they are not chosen, they will accept the decision because the people has spoken. However in a Selection, a cabal of people with special interest will pre select the candidates and discourage competition in favour of 'unity'. This well known ploy is the reason for the collapse in empires and governments all through history. Ferdinand Marcos was famous for holding power by emergency rule, thus limiting people's choice. The communist could not stand more than a century in Russia because of the inbreeding caused by limited choice. In a democracy, we need choice, much like when we go shopping for instant noodles. Although we always come back with Maggi but it is nice to know we could choose from a wide variety of brands like Cintan, Mamee, Koka with different flavours unique to each of the brand. Democracy is about the power to choose.

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